

Suuns fr. Images du Futur, "Edie's Dream"
Ladyfrnd fr. Ladyfrnd, "un petit message"
Desert Stars fr. Habit Shackles, "Farewell Decade"
The Strugglefucks fr. We'll Take A Hammer To Your Mailbox, "Swimmin' Around"
Frank Love fr. Live Demo, "Hate The Deal"
The Spits fr. The Spits V, "All I Want"
Coachwhips fr. Burgers vs. Fuckers, "Dance Floor"
Queens of the Stoneage fr. ....like clockwork, "If I Had A Tail"
PJ Harvey fr. Uh Huh Her, "Who The Fuck"
Red Fang fr. Murder the Mountains, "Into the Eye"
True Widow fr. Circumambulation, "Four Teeth"
Windhand fr. Windhad, "Heap Wolves"
El Ten Eleven fr. El Ten Eleven, "Thinking Loudly"

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